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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

SLIIT makes history. It wins the Microsoft Imagine Cup for 2009

LIIT has marked its name again, grabbing the First Place at the Imagine Cup 2009
Let’s get our hands together to congratulate them, to welcome them and to wish them.
Wish You All the Best!!
Akila Jayasooriya
Chanakya Jayasinghe
Lakkana Perera
Dunith Dhanushka

They were supervised by Dr. Koliya Pulasinghe, Dean Research and Mr. Nuwan Kodagoda, Head IT Department at SLIIT.

Project MISEEFA (Minimum Sufficient Equal healthcare For All)

MISEEFA (Minimum Sufficient Equal healthcare For All) is an approach to improve the healthcare around the globe uniformly. The system provides a general healthcare solution focusing on total healthcare areas that are underserved.

The system evolves around a unique, low cost, mobile hardware device called the "Medical Chair" and a rich set of applications that ensures a better user experience when consuming the services of the chair. The data gathered during a "channeling session" is handled intelligently to improve the health level of the community.

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